The REALTOR® Alliance of Greater Cincinnati (RAGC) is part of a statewide Professional Standards program administered by the Ohio REALTORS®. Services include an Ombudsman Program, Code of Ethics Enforcement, and Mediation or Arbitration of Commission Disputes.
To learn more about these professional services, use the following links:

180-Day Deadline
It is the responsibility of the “Complainant” (the individual who files the arbitration request) to make sure the request is delivered to the REALTOR® Alliance of Greater Cincinnati by the 180-day deadline.

Determination of Entitlement to the Selling Portion of a Real Estate Fee Cases
In cases involving determination of entitlement to the selling portion of a real estate fee, the REALTOR® Principal (Designated REALTOR® / Broker) is the party (Complainant or Respondent), that has the responsibility to participate in the procedure and must sign the form.
REALTOR® non-Principals (managers/agents) who have a vested financial interest in the outcome of the arbitration have a right to be present throughout the proceeding and to participate, yet are not considered to be parties.

Information on Filing an Arbitration Request
If you would like to request information on filing a request for arbitration: