To be eligible for the program a household must have experienced a decrease in income or employment due to the COVID-19 public health emergency.  Additionally, the household must also be at or below 80% of the area median income.  Income includes unemployment income.  The residence must be owner-occupied and located in Hamilton County.  They must provide proof of past-due mortgage and/or utility payment.  And finally, they must have an established connection to the residence and the residence must be the primary home – second homes, rental properties, AirB&B, and other similar properties are not eligible for assistance.

Payments can be used for current delinquent mortgage payments dating back to March 1, 2020, and for up to 6 months of past-due mortgage payments. Hamilton County residents can apply online at

They can also contact Hamilton County Department of Job and Family Services at [email protected] or call 946-7200 between 10AM and 2PM or use the United Way’s 211 for assistance.