Program Overview 

An exciting new program that is critical to the success of REALTOR® Advocacy, the Local Political Coordinator (LPC) program serves as a vital link between the REALTOR® Alliance of Greater Cincinnati and local elected officials. LPCs are dedicated members who volunteer to foster positive relationships,monitor municipal issues, and advocate for REALTOR® positions to support property rights and community interests. The time commitment is minimal and wholly dependent on your interest and availability. 

Key Objectives

  1. Maintain Relationships with Elected Officials: Build and sustain professional relationships with local elected officials to promote REALTOR® issues. 
  2. Monitor Local Issues: Actively track municipal agendas and activities that may impact real estate and property rights. This is simply checking the municipalities website for key REALTOR® buzz words. 
  3. Advocate for REALTOR® Interests: In concert with the Government Affairs Director and the Advocacy Committee, Represent REALTOR® priorities at the local level while adhering to RAGC policy. 
  4. Empower Member Engagement: In concert with the Government Affairs Director and the Advocacy Committee, encourage and mobilize REALTOR® members to participate in advocacy efforts. 

LPC Responsibilities

LPC Qualifications 

Term and Expectations 

Support and Resources 


By committing to this program, LPCs contribute to advancing the REALTOR® mission, protecting property rights, and fostering stronger communities throughout Greater Cincinnati; we are thankful for your partnership and commitment to our profession! 

Apply Now!

If you would like to apply to be a Local Political Coordinator, please apply HERE! 

LPC Reporting

Already an LPC and need to fill out your report? Click here to submit your LPC update!