In the bustling world of real estate, where every transaction holds a story, there’s a silent force driving the industry forward – the Affiliate members of the REALTOR® Alliance of Greater Cincinnati (RAGC). Among these dedicated professionals is Ashok Ghildyal with First Community Morgage, whose journey with RAGC is emblematic of dedication, service, and a passion for the community. 

Leslie Besl, RAGC Chief Operating Officer, interviewed Ashok about his real estate career.  Thank you, and Congratulations, Ashok!


How long have you been a member of RAGC?  Since 2012 – I think.

What committees do you (have you) served on at RAGC?   Realtor Lender  – then it became Realtor Affiliate Committee.

What benefit(s) do you feel you receive as a member?  Knowledge – the quality, knowledge and experience of the committee members have provided perspectives and understanding that I otherwise would not have. The members have been very generous in sharing.

How long have you been in your industry?  Since July of 2007 – 17 years.

What is your most significant career achievement?   Raising awareness about the VA benefit – thereby making a difference in the lives of our veterans.

What advice would you give to yourself if you were starting your business today?  Be extremely disciplined – what we do affects the lives of the clients in a big way.

What do you enjoy doing with your personal time? Other than spending time with my wife and son, I love practicing golf and working on resuming my journey in Indian classical music. I practice playing the Sitar. There is a long way to go there.